Tribal Courts
This page provides general contact information for the justice systems of tribal nations. Also see Tribal Constitutions, Tribal Codes, and Tribal Case Law for links to tribal justice system materials.
Tribal justice systems are critical components of the tribal government. They are empowered to resolve conflict and controversy. Prior to European contact, native people practiced various forms of meaningful and productive conflict and dispute resolution. Tribal member participation in the debate of issues and in the defense of the alleged was not just allowed, it was expected. Unfortunately, these tribal methods were unfamiliar to the settlers and were often discounted and even discouraged.
Tribes have always had, and continue to retain the sovereign authority to establish and operate their own tribal justice systems. In 1934, with the enactment of the Indian Reorganization Act (25 U.S.C.A. § 461, et. seq.), Indian tribes were encouraged to exercise their inherent sovereignty to establish their own justice codes and operate court systems enforcing those laws. The Act authorized tribes to organize and adopt constitutions. However, many of the tribally-enacted constitutions were boiler-plate templates, requiring Secretary of the Interior-approval for many tribal government actions. Despite its flaws, the Act is considered a monumental shift in federal Indian policy, providing a framework for and first-step towards expanding tribal self-government.
Today, tribal justice systems are diverse in concept and character. While some are extensively elaborate, others are just beginning to develop a ‘Western’ judicial system within the context of their individual nations. Some tribes prefer the adversarial process, while others emphasize traditional dispute resolution. Many courts apply large bodies of written or positive law and others apply custom and tradition to address controversy and settle disputes. Tribal courts enforce their own tribal laws, many of which you will find linked below.
Below is a list of known Tribal Courts organized by the court’s state location. Links include official Tribal Court websites, Tribal Court directories, official Tribal websites, Tribal Constitutions, Tribal Codes and Laws, and Tribal case law, depending on availability. Also included is a list of operational CFR Courts. Tribes that are located in multiple states are duplicated.
Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, New York, Nevada, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Washington, Wisconsin, Wyoming.
Poarch Band of Creek Indians
Poarch Band of Creek Indians Tribal Court
5811 Jacksprings
Atmore, AL 36502
Phone: (251) 368-9136, ext. 2652
Fax: (251) 446-8086
Poarch Band of Creek Indians Constitution – Muni Code
Poarch Band of Creek Indians Tribal Code – Muni Code
Alaska Tribal Judges Association
2012 Alaska Tribal Court Directory
Akiachak Native Community
Akiachak Tribal Court
Association of Village Council Presidents
P.O. Box 70
Akiachak, AK 99551
Phone: (907) 825-4626
Fax: (907) 825-4640
Akiak Native Community
Akiak Tribal Court
P.O. Box 52127
Akiak, AK 99552
Phone: (907) 765-7540
Fax: (907) 765-7512
Alatna Village
Alatna Tribal Court
P.O. Box 70
Alatna, AK 99720
Phone: (970) 986-2304
Allakaket Village
Allakaket Tribal Court
P.O. Box 50
Allakaket, AK 99720
Phone: (970) 968-2237
Aleknagik Traditional Council
Aleknagik Tribal Court
P.O. Box 115
Aleknagik, AK 99555
Phone: (907) 842-2080
Fax: (907) 842-2081
Algaaciq Tribal Council
Algaaciq Tribal Court
P.O. Box 48
St. Mary's, AK 99658
Phone: (907) 438-2932
Anvik Tribal Council
Anvik Tribal Court
P.O. Box 10
Anvik, AK 99558
Phone: (907) 663-6322
Village of Arctic Village
Arctic Village Tribal Court
P.O. Box 59
Arctic Village, AK 99722
Phone: (907) 587-5328
Asa'ccarsarmiut Tribal Council
Asa'ccarsaarmiut Tribal Court
Association of Village Council Presidents
P.O. Box 32249
Mountain Village, AK 99632
Phone: (907) 591-2814
Fax: (907) 591-2811
Association of Village Council Presidents
Association of Village Council Presidents Tribal Justice
P.O. Box 219
101A Main Street
Bethel, AK 99559
Phone: (907) 543-7421
Fax: (907) 543-3596
Atmautlauk Traditional Council
Atmautlauk Tribal Court
Association of Village Council Presidents
P.O. Box 6568
Atmautlauk, AK 99559
Phone: (907) 553-5610
Fax: (907) 553-5612
Native Village of Barrow
Native Village of Barrow Tribal Court
4495 North Star St.
P.O. Box 1130
Barrow, AK 99723
Phone: (907) 852-4491
Fax: (907) 852-4494
Beaver Village
Beaver Tribal Court
Tanana Chiefs Conference
P.O. Box 24029
Beaver, AK 99724
Phone: (907) 628-6126
Fax: (907) 628-6815
Birch Creek Village Council
Birch Creek Tribal Court
Tanana Chiefs Conference
P.O. Box KBC
Fort Yukon, AK 99740
Phone: (907) 221-2211
Native Village of Brevig Mission
Brevig Mission Tribal Court
Kawerak, Inc.
P.O. Box 85039
Brevig Mission, AK 99785
Phone: (907) 642-4301
Fax: (907) 642-2099
Central Council Tlingit & Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska
Central Council Tlingit and Haida Judicial Branch
320 W. Willoughby Ave., Ste. 300
Juneau, AK 99801
Phone: (907) 463-7165
Fax: (9007) 463-7741
Chalkyitsik Village
Chalkyitsik Tribal Court
Tanana Chiefs Conference
P.O. Box 57
Chalkyitsik, AK 99788
Phone: (907) 848-8117
Fax: (907) 848-8986
Chevak Native Village (a.k.a. Qissunamiut Tribe)
Chevak Tribal Court
Association of Village Council Presidents
P.O. Box 140
Chevak, AK 99563
Phone: (907) 858-7428
Chickaloon Native Village
Chickaloon Tribal Court
16166 N Glenn Highway
Sutton, AK 99674
P.O. Box 1105
Chickaloon, AK 99674
Phone: (907) 745-0700
Fax: (907) 745-7154
Chignik Lake Village
Chignik Lake Tribal Court
Bristol Bay Native Association
P.O. Box 33
Chignik Lake, AK 99548
Phone: (907) 845-2358
Fax: (907) 845-2246
Chilkat Indian Village (Klukwan)
Chilkat Tribal Court
HC60 Box 2207
Klukwan, AK 99827
Phone: (907) 767-5505
Circle Native Community
Circle Tribal Court
Tanana Chiefs Conference
P.O. Box 89
Circle, AK 99733
Phone: (907) 773-2822
Fax: (907) 773-2823
Fax: (907) 767-5518
Curyung Tribe
Curyung Tribal Court
Bristol Bay Native Association
P.O. Box 216
Dillingham, AK 99576
Phone: (907) 842-4508
Fax: (907) 842-4510
Native Village of Dot Lake
Dot Lake Tribal Court
Tanana Chiefs Conference
P.O. Box 2279
Dot Lake, AK 99737
Phone: (907) 882-2695
Fax: (907) 882-5558
Native Village of Eagle
Eagle Tribal Court
Tanana Chiefs Conference
P.O. Box 19
Eagle, AK 99738
Phone: (907) 547-2281
Fax: (907) 571-2318
Native Village of Eek
Eek Tribal Court
Association of Village Council Presidents
P.O. Box 89
Eek, AK 99578
Phone: (907) 536-5128
Eklutna Native Village
Eklutna Tribal Court
26339 Eklutna Village Road
Chugiak, AK 99567
Phone: (907) 688-6020
Fax: (907) 688-6021
Evansville Tribal Council (a.k.a. Bettles Field)
Evansville Tribal Court
Tanana Chiefs Conference
Evansville, Inc.
P.O. Box 26087
Evansville, AK 99726
Phone: (907) 692-5005
Fax: (907) 692-5006
Native Village of Eyak (Cordova)
Eyak Tribal Court
P.O. Box 1704
Cordova, AK 99574
Phone: (907) 424-7738
Fax: (907) 424-7738
Native Village of Fort Yukon (Gwichyaa Zhee Gwich’in)
Fort Yukon Tribal Court
Tanana Chiefs Conference
P.O. Box 126
Fort Yukon, AK 99740
Phone: (907) 662-3625
Fax: (907) 662-3118
Galena Village (a.k.a. Louden Tribal Council)
Galena Tribal Court
Tanana Chiefs Conference
P.O. Box 244
Galena, AK 99741
Phone: (907) 656-1711
Fax: (907) 656-2491
Organized Village of Grayling (a.k.a. Holikachuk)
Grayling Tribal Court
Tanana Chiefs Conference
P.O. Box 49
Grayling, AK 99590
Phone: (970) 453-5116
Fax: (970) 453-5146
Holy Cross Tribe
Holy Cross Tribal Court
Tanana Chiefs Conference
P.O. Box 191
Holy Cross, AK 99602
Phone: (970) 476-71249
Fax: (907) 476-7132
Hooper Bay Traditional Council
Hooper Bay Tribal Court
Association of Village Council Presidents
P.O. Box 69
Hooper Bay, AK 99604
Phone: (970) 758-4915
Hughes Village
Hughes Tribal Court
Tanana Chiefs Conference
K’oyit?’ots’ina, Limited
P.O. Box 45029
Hughes, AK 99745
Phone: (970) 889-2239
Fax: (970) 889-2252
Huslia Village
Huslia Tribal Court
Tanana Chiefs Conference
P.O. Box 70
Huslia, AK 99746
Phone: (970) 829-2294
Fax: (907) 829-2214
Village of Lower Kalskag
Kalskag Tribal Court
Calista Corporation
P.O. Box 27
Lower Kalskag, AK 99626
Phone: (907) 471-2246
Fax: (907) 471-2378
Kaltag Tribe
Kaltag Tribal Court
Tanana Chiefs Conference
P.O. Box 129
Kaltag, AK 99748
Phone: (907) 534-2224
Kasigluk Traditional Council
Association of Village Council Presidents
P.O. Box 19
Kasigluk, AK 99609
Phone: (907) 477-6405
Fax: (907) 477-6212
Kenaitze Indian Tribe
Kenaitze Tribal Court
P.O. Box 988
150 North Willow Street
Kenai, AK 99611
Phone: (970) 335-7211
Fax: (907) 335-7239
Native Village of Kluti Kaah (a.k.a. Copper Center)
Kluti-Kaah Tribal Court
P.O. Box 68
Cooper Center, AK 99573
Phone: (970) 822-5541
Fax: (970) 822-5130
Native Village of Kongiganak
Kongiganak Tribal Court
Association of Village Council Presidents
P.O. Box 5069
Kongiganak, AK 99545
Phone: (907) 557-5226
Koyukuk Native Village
Koyukuk Tribal Court
Tanana Chiefs Conference
P.O. Box 109
Koyukuk, AK 99754
Phone: (907) 927-2253
Fax: (907) 927-2220
Organized Village of Kwethluk
Kwethluk Tribal Court
P.O. Box 130
Kwethluk, AK 99621
Phone: (907) 757-6714
Fax: (907) 757-6328
Native Village of Kwigillingok
Kwigillingok Tribal Court
Association of Village Council Presidents
P.O. Box 90
Kwigillingok, AK 99622
Phone: (907) 588-8114 or 8212
Fax: (907) 588-8429
Levelock Village
Levelock Tribal Court
Bristol Bay Native Association
P.O. Box 70
Levelock, AK 99625
Phone: (907) 287-3030
Fax: (907) 287-3032
Manley Hot Springs Village Council
Manley Hot Springs Tribal Court
Tanana Chiefs Conference
P.O. Box 105
Manley Hot Springs, AK 99756
Phone: (907) 672-3177
Fax: (907) 672-3200
McGrath Native Village
McGrath Tribal Court
P.O. Box 134
McGrath, AK 99627
Phone: (907) 524-3024
Native Village of Mekoryuk
Mekoryuk Tribal Court
Association of Village Council Presidents
P.O. Box 66
Mekoryuk, AK 99630
Phone: (907) 827-8828
Fax: (907) 827-8133
Metlakatla Indian Community, Annette Island Reserve
Metlakatla Tribal Court
P.O. Box 8
Metlakatla, AK 99926
Phone: (907) 886-4441
Fax: (907) 886-4471
Metlakatla Indian Community – Northwest Intertribal Court System
Native Village of Minto
Minto Tribal Court
Tanana Chiefs Conference
P.O. Box 26
Minto, AK 99758
Phone: (907) 798-7112
Fax: (907) 798-7627
Nenana Native Association
Nenana Tribal Court
Tanana Chiefs Conference
P.O. Box 356
Nenana, AK 99760
Phone: (907) 832-5461
Fax: (907) 832-1077
Newtok Tribal Court
Association of Village Council Presidents
P.O. Box 5545
Newtok, AK 99559
Phone: (907) 237-2314
Fax: (907) 237-2321
Native Village Coucnil of Nikolai (a.k.a. Edzeno')
Nikolai Tribal Court
Tanana Chiefs Conference
P.O. Box 9105
Nikolai, AK 99691
Phone: (907) 293-2311
Fax: (907) 293-2481
Ninilchik Village Tribe
Ninilchik Tribal Court
P.O. Box 39070
Ninilchik, AK 99639
Phone: (907) 567-3313
Fax: (907) 567-3308
Northway Traditional Council
Northway Tribal Court
Tanana Chiefs Conference
P.O. Box 516
Northway, AK 99764
Phone: (907) 778-2311
Fax: (907) 778-2220
Nulato Village
Nulato Tribal Court
Tanana Chiefs Conference
P.O. Box 65049
Nulato, AK 99765
Phone: (907) 898-2339
Fax: (907) 898-2207
Native Village of Nunapitchuk
Nunapitchuk Tribal Court
Association of Village Council Presidents
P.O. Box 130
Nunapitchuk, AK 99641
Phone: (907) 527-5705
Fax: (907) 527-5711
Old Harbor Tribal Council
Old Harbor Tribal Court
Kodiak Area Native Association
P.O. Box 51
Old Harbor, AK 99643
Phone: (907) 286-2215
Fax: (907) 286-2277
Orutsaramuit Native Village (aka Bethel)
Orutsaramiut Tribal Court
P.O. Box 927
Bethel, AK 99559
Phone: (907) 543-2608
Fax: (907) 543-2639
Native Village of Port Heiden
Port Heiden Tribal Court
P.O. Box 49007
2200 James Street
Port Heiden, AK 99549
Phone: (907) 837-2296
Fax: (907) 837-2297
Rampart Village Council
Rampart Tribal Court
Tanana Chiefs Conference
P.O. Box 29
Rampart, AK 99767
Phone: (907) 358-3312
Fax: (907) 358-3115
Native Village of Ruby
Ruby Tribal Court
Tanana Chiefs Conference
P.O. Box 210
Ruby, AK 99768
Phone: (907) 468-4479
Fax: (907) 468-4474
Saint Paul Island (Pribilof Islands Aleut Communities of St. Paul & St. George Islands)
Aleut Community of St. Paul Island Tribal Court
P.O. Box 86
Saint Paul Island, AK 99660
Phone: (907) 546-3200
Native Village of Scammon Bay
Scammon Bay Tribal Court
Association of Village Council Presidents
P.O. Box 126
Scammon Bay, AK 99662
Phone: (907) 558-5583
Shageluk Native Village
Shageluk Tribal Court
Tanana Chiefs Conference
P.O. Box 35
Shageluk, AK 99665
Phone: (907) 473-8239
Fax: (907) 473-8295
Sitka Tribe of Alaska
Sitka Tribal Court
456 Katlian St.
Sitka, AK 99835
Phone: (907) 747-5897
Sitka Tribe of Alaska Codes
Stevens Village
Stevens Tribal Court
P.O. Box 71372
Fairbanks, AK 99707
Phone: (907) 452-7162
Fax: (907) 452-5063
Stony River Traditional Council
Stony River Tribal Court
Association of Village Council Presidents
Kuskokwim Corporation
P.O. Box SRV
Stony River, AK 99557
Phone: (907) 537-3253
Fax: (907) 537-3254
Takotna Tribal Council
Takotna Tribal Court
General Delivery
Takotna, AK 99675
Phone: (907) 298-2212
Native Village of Tanacross
Tanacross Tribal Court
Tanana Chiefs Conference
P.O. Box 76009
Tanacross, AK 99776
Phone: (907) 883-5024
Native Village of Tanana
Tanana Tribal Court
Tanana Chiefs Conference
P.O. Box 130
Tanana, AK 99777
Phone: (907) 366-7170
Fax: (907) 366-7195
Telida Village
Telida Tribal Court
Tanana Chiefs Conference
P.O. Box 32
McGrath, AK 99627
Phone: (907) 524-3550
Fax: (907) 524-3163
Native Village of Tetlin
Tetlin Tribal Court
Tanana Chiefs Conference
P.O. Box TTL
Tetlin, AK 99779
Phone: (907) 324-2130
Fax: (907) 324-2131
Traditional Council of Togiak
Togiak Tribal Court
Bristol Bay Native Association
P.O. Box 310
Togiak, AK 99678
Phone: (907) 493-5003
Fax: (907) 493-5005
Tuntutuliak Traditional Council
Tuntutuliak Tribal Court
Association of Village Council Presidents
P.O. Box 86
Tuntutuliak, AK 99680
Phone: (907) 256-2128
Native Village of Unga
Unga Tribal Court
Aleutian Pribilof Islands Association
Box 508
Sand Point, AK 99661
Phone: (907) 383-2415
Fax: (907) 383-5553
Venetie Village Council
Venetie Tribal Court
Tanana Chiefs Conference
P.O. Box 81119
Venetie, AK 99781
Phone: (907) 849-8212
Fax: (907) 849-8216
Native Village of White Mountain
White Mountain Tribal Court
Kawerak, Inc.
P.O. Box 84090
White Mountain, AK 99784
Phone: (907) 638-3651
Fax: (970) 638-3652
Ak-Chin Indian Community
Ak-Chin Indian Community Tribal Court
47314 W. Farrell Road
Maricopa, AZ 85139
Phone: (520) 568-1385
Fax: (520) 568-2616
Cocopah Indian Tribe
Cocopah Tribal Court
9761 Veterans Place
Somerton, AZ 85350
Phone: (928) 627-2550
Fax: (928) 627-4623
Colorado River Indian Tribes
Colorado River Indian Tribal Court
2600 Mohave Road
P.O. Box 3428
Parker, AZ 85344
Phone: (928) 669-1366
Fax: (928) 669-9223
Fort McDowell Yavapai Nation
Fort McDowell Tribal Court
10755 N. Fort McDowell Rd., Suite 1
Fort McDowell, AZ 85264
Phone: (480) 789-7604
Fax: (480) 789-7605
Fort Mojave Indian Tribe
Fort Mojave Tribal Court
8492 S. Highway 95
Mojave Valley, AZ 86440
Phone: (928) 346-5293
Fax: (928) 346-5293
Gila River Indian Community
Gila River Indian Community Judicial Branch
721 W. Seed Farm Rd.
P.O. Box 368
Sacaton, AZ 85147
Phone: (520) 562-9860
Fax: (520) 562-9867
Havasupai Tribe
Havasupai Tribal Court
P.O. Box 94
Supai, AZ 86435
Phone: (928) 448-2701
Fax: (928) 448-2232
Hopi Tribe
Hopi Tribal Courts
P.O. Box 156
Keams Canyon, AZ 86034
Phone: (928) 738-5171
Fax: (928) 738-5561
Hualapai Tribe
Hualapai Tribal Court
960 Rodeo Way
P.O. Box 275
Peach Springs, AZ 86434
Phone: (928) 769-2338
Fax: (928) 769-2736
Hualapai Constitution
Kaibab Band of Paiute Indians
Kaibab-Paiute Tribe Court
HC65, Box 328
Fredonia, AZ 86022
Phone: (928) 643-7214
Fax: (928) 643-6012
Kaibab Paiute Tribe Constitution
Navajo Nation
Navajo Nation Judicial Branch
Navajo Nation Supreme Court
Navajo Nation Judicial District Courts
P.O. Box 520
Window Rock, AZ 86515
Phone: (928) 871-6763
Fax: (928) 871-7016
Pascua Yaqui Tribe
Pascua Yaqui Tribal Court
7777 S. Camino Huivism
Tucson, AZ 85757
Phone: (520) 879-6276
Fax: (520) 879-6277
Quechan Indian Tribe
Quechan Tribal Court
P.O. Box 1899
Yuma, AZ 85366
Phone: (760) 572-5552
Fax: (760) 572-5560
Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community
Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community Court
10005 East Osborn Rd.
Scottsdale, AZ 85256
Phone: (480) 362-6315
Fax: (480) 362-5732
San Carlos Apache – Ndeh Nation
San Carlos Apache Tribal Court
P.O. Box 6
San Carlos, AZ 85550
Phone: (928) 475-2648
Fax: (928) 475-2668
Tohono O’odham Nation
Tohono O’odham Nation Judicial Court
P.O. Box 761
Sells, AZ 85634
Phone: (520) 383-6300
Fax: (520) 383-3500
Tonto Apache Tribe
Tonto Apache Tribal Court
Reservation 30
Payson, AZ 85541
Phone: (928) 474-5000
Fax: (928) 474-9125
White Mountain Apache Tribe
White Mountain Apache Tribal Court
P.O. Box 598
Whiteriver, AZ 85941
Phone: (928) 338-4720
Fax: (928) 338-4331
Yavapai-Apache Nation
Yavapai-Apache Nation Tribal Court
P.O. Box 3500
Camp Verde, AZ 86322
Phone: (928) 567-1033
Fax: (928) 567-1060
Yavapai Prescott Indian Tribe
Yavapai-Prescott Tribal Court
P.O. Box 2059
Prescott, AZ 86302
Phone: (928) 771-3300
Fax: (928) 771-3302
Bishop Paiute Tribe
Bishop Paiute Tribal Court
50 Tu Su Lane
Bishop, CA 93514
Phone: (760) 873-3584, ext. 261
Fax: (760) 873-4143
Blue Lake Rancheria Tribe
Blue Lake Rancheria Tribal Court
P.O. Box 426
Blue Lake, CA 95525
Phone: (707) 668-5101, ext. 1032
Fax: (707) 668-4272
Chemehuevi Indian Tribe
Chemehuevi Tribal Court
P.O. Box 1930
Havasu Lake, CA 92363
Phone: (760) 858-5120
Fax: (760) 858-5400
Cher-Ae Heights Indian Community of the Trinidad Rancheria
Cher-Ae Heights Indian Community Tribal Court
P.O. Box 630
Trinidad, CA 95570
Phone: (707) 825-1642
Fax: (707) 677-3921
Colorado River Indian Tribes
Colorado River Indian Tribal Court
2600 Mohave Road
P.O. Box 3428
Parker, AZ 85344
Phone: (928) 669-1366
Fax: (928) 669-9223
Fort Mojave Indian Tribe
Fort Mojave Tribal Court
8492 S. Highway 95
Mojave Valley, AZ 86440
Phone: (928) 346-5293
Fax: (928) 346-5293
Hoopa Valley Tribe
Hoopa Valley Tribal Court
11900 CA-96
Hoopa, CA 95546
Phone: (530) 625-4305
Fax: (530) 625-4307
Hopland Band of Pomo Indians
Hopland Tribal Court
3000 Shanel Rd.
Hopland, CA 95449
Phone: (707) 472-2100
Fax: (707) 744-8715
Intertribal Court of Northern California
5250 Aero Drive
Santa Rosa, CA 95403
Phone: (707) 579-5507
Fax: (707) 579-9019
Intertribal Court of Southern California
49002 Golsh Road, Rincon Indian Reservation
Valley Center, CA 92082
Phone: (760) 751-4142
Fax: (760) 751-3078
Jamul Indian Village
Jamul Tribal Court - Intertribal Court of Southern California
O. Box 612 Jamul, CA 91935
Phone: (619) 669-4785
Fax: (619) 669-4817
Karuk Tribe
Karuk Judicial System
1836 Apsum
P.O. Box 629
Yreka, CA 96097
Phone: (530) 841-3143, Ext. 6
Fax: (530) 842-4889
La Jolla Band of Luiseno Indians
La Jolla Tribal Court - Intertribal Court of Southern California
22000 Highway 76
Pauma Valley, CA 92061
Phone: (760) 742-3771
Fax: (760) 742-1704
Los Coyotes Band of Indians
Los Coyotes Tribal Court - Intertribal Court of Southern California
P.O. Box 189 Warner Springs, CA 92086
Phone: (760) 782-0711
Fax: (760) 782-2701
Manzanita Band of the Kumeyaay Nation
Manzanita Tribal Court - Intertribal Court of Southern California
P.O. Box 1302 Boulevard, CA 91905
Phone: (619) 766-4930
Fax: (619) 766-4957
Mesa Grande Band of Diegueno Mission Indians
Mesa Grande Tribal Court - Intertribal Court of Southern California
P.O. Box 270 Santa Ysabel CA 92070
Phone: (760) 782-3818
Fax: (760) 782-9029
Morongo Band of Mission Indians
Morongo Tribal Court
12700 Pumarra Road
Banning, CA 92220
Phone: (951) 572-6068
Fax: (951) 572-6075
Northern California Tribal Courts Coalition
1517 S. Oregon St., Ste. B
Yreka, CA 96097
Phone: (530) 842-6282
Fax: (530) 842-6283
Pala Band of Luiseno Mission Indians
Pala Band of Luiseno Mission Indians Tribal Court
35008 Pala Temecula PMB 348
Pala, CA 92059
Phone: (760) 891-3500
Fax: (760) 742-0524
Pauma Band of Luiseno Indians
Pauma Tribal Court - Intertribal Court of Southern California
O. Box 369
Pauma Valley CA 92061
Phone: (760) 742-1289
Fax: (760) 742-3422
Quechan Indian Tribe
Quechan Tribal Court
P.O. Box 1899
Yuma, AZ 85366
Phone: (760) 572-5552
Fax: (760) 572-5560
Redding Rancheria Tribal Court
2000 Redding Rancheria Road
Redding, CA 96001
Phone: (530) 225-8979
Fax: (530) 241-1879
Rincon Nation of Luiseno Indians
Rincon Tribal Court - Intertribal Court of Southern California
1 West Tribal Road
Valley Center, CA 92082
Phone: (760) 749-1051
Fax: (760) 749-8901
Round Valley Indian Tribes
Round Valley Indian Tribes Tribal Court
77826 Covelo Road
Covelo, CA 95428
Phone: (707) 983-6126
Fax: (707) 983-6128
San Manuel Band of Mission Indians
San Manuel Band of Mission Indians Tribal Court
3214 Victoria Ave.
Highland, CA 92346
Phone: (909) 907-6920
Fax: (909) 425-1894
San Pasqual Band of Indians
San Pasqual Tribal Court - Intertribal Court of Southern California
O. Box 365 Valley Center, CA 92082
Phone: (760) 749-3200
Fax: (760) 749-3876
Shingle Springs Band of Miwok Indians
Shingle Springs Tribal Court
5168 Honpie Road
O. Box 1340
Single Springs, CA 95682
Phone: (530) 698-1446
Fax: (530) 676-8033
Smith River Rancheria – Tolowa Dee-ni’ Nation
Tolowa Dee-ni’ Nation Tribal Court
110 First Street, Suite B
Smith River, CA 95567
Phone: (707) 487-6425
Fax: (888) 468-8221
Smith River Rancheria – Tolowa Dee-ni Nation Code and Ordinances
Sycuan Band of the Kumeyaay Nation
Sycuan Tribal Court
5523 Sycuan Road
El Cajo, CA 92019
Phone: (619) 445-1789
Fax: (619) 445-1886
Torres Martinez Desert Cahuilla Indians
Torrez Martinez Tribal Court
Phone: (760) 397-0300
Fax: (760) 397-9853
Viejas Band of Kumeyaay Indians
Viejas Tribal Court - Intertribal Court of Southern California
1 Viejas Grade Rd.
Alpine, CA 91901
Phone: (619) 445-3810
Fax: (619) 445-5337
Viejas Band of Kumeyaay Indians Ordinances (partial) – Intertribal Court of Southern California
Washoe Tribe of Nevada and California
Washoe Tribal Court
919 U.S. Hwy 395 S
Gardnerville, NV 89410
Phone: (775) 265-8600
Yurok Tribe
Yurok Tribal Court
Yurok Justice Center
230 Klamath Blvd.
Klamath, CA 95548
Phone: (707) 482-1350
Fax: (707) 482-0105
Southern Ute Indian Tribe
Southern Ute Indian Tribal Court
P.O. Box 737, #18
Ignacio, CO 81137
Phone: (970) 563-0240
Fax: (970) 563-9570
Ute Mountain Ute Agency (Southwest Region)
Ute Mountain Ute Agency CFR Court
Phillip Coyote, Sr. Memorial Hall
440 Sunset Blvd.
P.O. Box KK
Towaoc, Colorado 81334
Phone: (970) 565-8473
Fax: (970) 565-8906
Mashantucket (Western) Pequot Tribal Nation
Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Court
P.O. Box 3126
Mashantucket, CT 06338
Phone: (860) 396-6156
Fax: (860) 369-6320
Mohegan Tribe
Mohegan Tribal Court System
13 Crow Hill Road
Uncasville, CT 06382
Phone: (860) 862-6342
Fax: (860) 862-6246
Seminole Tribe of Florida
Seminole Tribal Court
6300 Stirling Road, Suite 320
Hollywood, FL 33024
Phone: (954) 966-6300, Ext. 11143 or 11485
Fax: (954) 967-3438
Coeur d’Alene Tribe
Coeur d’Alene Tribal Court
1115 B Street
O. Box 408
Plummer, ID 83851
Phone: (208) 686-1777
Fax: (208) 686-5805
Kootenai Tribe of Idaho
Kootenai Tribe of Idaho Tribal Court
O. Box 1269
Bonners Ferry, ID 83805
Phone: (208) 267-3158
Fax: (208) 267-2960
Nez Perce Tribe
Nez Perce Tribal Court
O. Box 305
Lapwai, ID 83540
Phone: (208) 843-7338
Fax: (208) 843-7337
Shoshone-Bannock Tribes
Shoshone-Bannock Tribal Court
P.O. Box 306
Fort Hall, ID 83203
Phone: (208) 236-1090
Fax: (208) 236-1153
Pokagon Band of Potawatomi Indians
Pokagon Tribal Court
58620 Sink Rd.
P.O. Box 180
Dowagiac, MI 49047
Phone: (269) 783-0505
Fax: (269) 783-0519
Sac & Fox Tribe of the Mississippi in Iowa/Meskwaki
Sac & Fox Tribe of the Mississippi in Iowa Tribal Court
307 Meskwaki Rd.
Tama, IA 52339
Phone: (641) 484-4678
Fax: (641) 484-2221
Iowa Tribe of Kansas and Nebraska
Iowa Tribe of Kansas and Nebraska Tribal Court
3313 Thrasher Road
White Cloud, KS 660947
Phone: (785) 595-6647
Kickapoo Tribe in Kansas
Kickapoo District Court
822 K-20 Highway, Ste. E
Horton, KS 66439
Phone: (785) 486-2262, ext. 224
Fax: (785) 486-3607
Prairie Band of Potawatomi Nation
Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation Judicial Council
11444 158 Road
Mayetta, KS 66509
Phone: (785) 966-2242
Fax: (785) 966-2662
Sac & Fox Nation of Missouri in Kansas and Nebraska
Sac & Fox Nation of Missouri in Kansas and Nebraska
305 North Main St
Reserve, KS 66434
Phone: (785) 742-7471, Ext. 2600
Fax: (785) 742-4177
Sovereign Nation of the Chitimacha
Chitimacha Tribal Courts
P.O. Box 610
343 Navarro Street
Charenton, LA 70523
Phone: (337) 923-7806
Fax: (337) 923-7889
Coushatta Tribe of Louisiana
Coushatta Tribal Court
P.O. Box 819
Elton, LA 70532
Phone: (337) 584-1428
Fax: (337) 584-1506
Tunica-Biloxi Tribe of Louisiana
Tunica-Biloxi Tribal Court
P.O. Box 1589
Marksville, LA 71351
Phone: (318) 253-4940
Fax: (318) 240-9304
Houlton Band of Maliseet Indians
Houlton Band of Maliseet Indians
88 Bell Road
Littleton, ME 04730
Phone: (207) 532-4273, ext. 217
Fax: (207) 532-2660
Passamaquoddy Tribe
Passamaquoddy Tribal Court
P.O. Box 343
Perry, ME 04667
9 Sakom Road
Pleasant Point, ME 04667
Phone: (207) 853-2600
Fax: (207) 853-9512
Penobscot Indian Nation
Penobscot Indian Nation Tribal Court
12 Wabanaki Way
Indian Island, ME 04468
Phone: (207) 817-7327
Penobscot Tribal Constitution
Penobscot Tribal Laws and Ordinances
Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe
Mashpee Wampanoag Tribal Court
483 Great Neck Road, South
Mashpee, MA 02649
Phone: (508) 477-0208, Ext. 109
Fax: (508) 477-3173
Bay Mills Indian Community
Bay Mills Indian Community Tribal Court
12449 W. Lakeshore Drive
Brimley, MI 49715
Phone: (906) 248-8110
Fax: (906) 248-5871
Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians
Grand Traverse Band Tribal Court
2605 N. West Bayshore Drive
Peshabestown, MI 49682
Phone: (231) 534-7050
Fax: (231) 534-7051
Hannahville Indian Community
Hannahville Tribal Court
N14911 Hannahville B-1 Road
Wilson, MI 49896
Phone: (906) 723-2696
Fax: (906) 466-7377
Keweenaw Bay Indian Community
Keweenaw Bay Indian Community Tribal Court
16429 Bear Town Road
Baraga, MI 49908
Phone: (906) 353-8124
Fax: (906) 353-7279
Lac Vieux Desert Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians
Lac Vieux Tribal Court
P.O. Box 249
Watersmeet, MI 49969
Phone: (906) 358-0330, Ext. 4307
Fax: (906) 358-4785
Little River Band of Ottawa Indians
Little River Band of Ottawa Indians Tribal Court
3031 Domres Road
Manistee, MI 49660
Phone: (231) 723-8288
Fax: (231) 398-3404
Little Traverse Bay Band of Odawa Indians
Little Traverse Bay Band of Odawa Indians Tribal Court
7500 Odawa Circle
Harbor Springs, MI 49740
Phone: (231) 242-1462
Fax: (231) 242-1470
Match-E-Be-Nash-She-Wish Band of Pottawatomi Gun Lake Tribe
Match-E-Be-Nash-She-Wish Band of Pottawatomi Tribal Court
2873 Mno Bmadzewen Dr.
Shelbyville, MI 49344
Phone: (269) 397-1630
Fax: (269) 397-1631
Nottawaseppi Huron Band of Potawatomi
Nottawaseppi Huron Band of Potawatomi Tribal Court
2221 1 1/2 Mile Road
Fulton, MI 49052
Phone: (269) 729-5151
Fax: (269) 729-4826
Pokagon Band of Potawatomi Indians
Pokagon Tribal Court
58620 Sink Rd.
P.O. Box 180
Dowagiac, MI 49047
Phone: (269) 783-0505
Fax: (269) 783-0519
Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe
Saginaw Chippewa Tribal Court
6954 East Broadway
Mount Pleasant, MI 48858
Phone: (989) 775-4800
Fax: (989) 773-9985
Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians
Sault Ste. Marie Tribal Court
2175 Shunk Road
P.O. Box 932
Sault Ste. Marie, MI 49783
Phone: (906) 635-4963
Fax: (906) 635-4952
Bois Forte Band of Chippewa
Bois Forte Band of Chippewa Tribal Court
P.O. Box 25
12907 Palmquist Road
Nett Lake, MN 55772
Phone: (218) 757-3462
Fax: (218) 757-0064
Fond du Lac Band of Lake Superior Chippewa
Fond du Lac Band of Chippewa Tribal Court
1720 Big Lake Road
Cloquet, MN 55270
Phone: (218) 878-7151
Fax: (218) 878-7169
Grand Portage Band of Chippewa Indians
Grand Portage Band of Chippewa Tribal Court
P.O. Box 428
58 Upper Road
Grand Portage, MN 55605
Phone: (218) 475-2712
Fax: (218) 475-2347
Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe
Leech Lake Tribal Court
190 Sailstar Drive NW
Cass Lake, MN 56633
Phone: (218) 335-3682
Fax: (218) 335-3685
Lower Sioux Indian Community
Lower Sioux Indian Community Tribal Court
39527 Res. Hwy. 1
P.O. Box 308
Morton, MN 56270
Phone: (507) 697-6185, Ext. 8615
Fax: (507) 697-8621
Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe Tribe
Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe Tribal Court
43408 Oodena Drive
Onamia, MN 56359
Phone: (320) 532-7400
Fax: (320) 532-3153
Prairie Island Indian Community
Prairie Island Indian Community Tribal Court
5636 Sturgeon Lake Road
Welch, MN 55089
Phone: (651) 385-4161
Fax: (651) 267-4008
Red Lake Band of Chippewa Indians
Red Lake Band of Chippewa Indians Tribal Court
P.O. Box 572
Highway 1
Red Lake, MN 56671
Phone: (218) 679-3303
Fax: (218) 679-2683
Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community
Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Tribal Court
335 Atrium Office Building
12985 Bandana Blvd.
St. Paul, MN 55108
Phone: (651) 357-1496
Fax: (651) 644-5904
Upper Sioux Community
Upper Sioux Community Tribal Court
P.O. Box 155
2499 565th St.
Granite Falls, MN 56241
Phone: (320) 564-4955
Fax: (320) 564-4915
White Earth Nation
White Earth Nation Tribal Court
P.O. Box 289
White Earth, MN 56591
Phone: (218) 983-4648
Fax: (218) 983-3294
Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians
Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians Tribal Court
P.O. Box 6010
Philadelphia, MS 39350
Phone: (601) 650-1658
Fax: (601) 650-1674
Assiniboine and Sioux Tribes of the Fort Peck Indian Reservation
Fort Peck Tribal Court
807 Court Ave.
P.O. Box 1027
Popular, MT 59255
Phone: (406) 768-2400
Fax: (406) 768-3710
Blackfeet Nation
Blackfeet Tribal Court
P.O. Box 1170
Browning, MT 59417
Phone: (406) 338-5061
Fax: (406) 338-2722
Blackfeet Nation Constitution
Chippewa Cree Tribe of Rocky Boy Montana
Chippewa Cree Tribal Court
31 Agency Square
Box Elder, MT 59521
Phone: (406) 395-4735
Fax: (406) 395-5184
Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes
Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribal Court
P.O. Box 278
Pablo, MT 59855
Phone: (406) 275-2740
Fax: (406) 675-4704
Crow Tribe
Crow Tribal Court
P.O. Box 489
409 Makawasha Lane
Crow Agency, MT 59022
Phone: (406) 638-7400
Fax: (406) 638-7415
Fort Belknap Indian Community
Fort Belknap Tribal Court
253 Court Housing Loop
Harlem, MT 59526
Phone: (406) 353-8385
Fax: (406) 353-4578
Northern Cheyenne Tribe
Northern Cheyenne Judicial Branch
P.O. Box 1199
Lame Deer, MT 59043
Phone: (406) 477-8340
Fax: (406) 477-6111
Omaha Tribe of Nebraska
Omaha Tribal Court
P.O. Box 508
Macy, NE 68039
Phone: (402) 837-5814
Fax: (402) 837-4045
Ponca Tribe of Nebraska
Ponca Tribe of Nebraska Tribal Court
1800 Syracuse Ave.
Norfolk, NE 68701
Phone: (402) 371-8834
Fax: (402) 371-3238
Sac and Fox Nation of Missouri in Kansas and Nebraska
Sac and Fox Tribal Court
305 North Main Street
Reserve, KS 66434
Phone: (785) 742-7471, ext. 2600
Fax: (785) 742-4177
Santee Sioux Tribe of Nebraska
Santee Sioux Tribal Court
203 His Red Nation St. N.
Niobrara, NE 68760
Phone: (402) 857-2812
Fax: (402) 857-2826
Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska
Winnebago Tribal Court
P.O. Box 626
Winnebago, NE 68071
Phone: (402) 878-2570
Fax: (402) 878-2540
Duckwater Shoshone Tribe
Duckwater Shoshone Tribal Court
P.O. Box 140005
Duckwater, NV 89314
Phone: (775) 863-0178
Ely Shoshone Tribe
Ely Shoshone Judicial Center
16 Shoshone Circle
Ely, NV 89301
Phone: (775) 289-2700
Fax: (775) 289-2752
Fort McDermitt Paiute and Shoshone Tribes
Wimmemuca – Ft. McDermitt CFR Court (Western Region)
P.O. Box 397
McDermitt, NV 89421
Phone: (775) 532-8402
Fax: (775) 532-8202
Fort Mojave Indian Tribe
Fort Mojave Tribal Court
8492 South Highway 95
Mohave Valley, AZ 86440
Phone: (928) 346-5290
Lovelock Paiute Tribe
Lovelock Paiute Tribal Court
P.O. Box 878
Lovelock, NV 89419
Phone: (775) 273-5194
Fax: (775) 273-3802
Moapa Band of Paiutes
Moapa Paiute Tribal Court
P.O. Box 187
Moapa, NV 89025
Phone: (702) 865-2845
Fax: (702) 865-2060
Paiute-Shoshone Tribe of the Fallon Reservation and Colony
Fallon Paiute Shoshone Tribal Courts
987 Rio Vista Drive
Fallon, NV 89406
Phone: (775) 423-8883
Fax: (775) 423-7395
Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe
Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe Judicial Services
221 Nixon Hwy 447
P.O. Box 257
Nixon, NV 89424
Phone: (775) 574-1094 or 1095
Fax: (775) 574-1096
Reno-Sparks Indian Colony
Reno-Sparks Indian Colony Court Services
1900 Prosperity Street
Reno, NV 89502
Phone: (775) 785-8775
Fax: (775) 329-8153
Shoshone Paiute Tribes of the Duck Valley Indian Reservation
Shoshone-Paiute Tribes of the Duck Valley Tribal Court
2711 Agency Road
P.O. Box 219
Owyhee, NV 89832
Phone: (775) 757-2741
Fax: (775) 757-2078
Te-Moak Tribe of Western Shoshone Indians of Nevada
Te-Moak Judicial Court
Te-Moak CFR Court (Western Region)
Eastern Nevada Agency
1523 Shoshone Circle
Elko, NV 89801
Phone: (775) 738-7042
Walker River Paiute – Agai-Dicutta Numu
Walker River Paiute Tribe Civil Court
P.O. Box 407
Shurz, NV 89427
Phone: (775) 773-2222
Fax: (775) 773-2227
Washoe Tribe of Nevada & California
Washoe Tribal Court
919 U.S. Highway 395 South
Gardnerville, NV 89410
Phone: (775) 265-7024, ext. 1252
Fax: (775) 265-0258
Yerington Paiute Tribe
Yerington Paiute Tribal Court
171 Campbell Lane
Yerington, NV 89447
Phone: (775) 463-3301, Ext. 146
Fax: (775) 463-5568
New Mexico
Jicarilla Apache Nation
Jicarilla Apache Nation Tribal Court
5 Dulce Rock Dr.
P.O. Box 128
Dulce, NM 87528
Phone: (575) 759-3366
Fax: (575)759-7556
Kewa Pueblo (formally the Pueblo of Santa Domingo)
Kewa Pueblo Tribal Courts
P.O. Box 279
Santo Domingo Pueblo, NM 87052
Phone: (505) 465-2214
Fax: (505) 465-2688
Mescalero Apache Tribe
Mescalero Apache Tribal Court
159 Deer Trail
P.O. Box 227
Mescalero, NM 88340
Phone: (575) 464-0414
Fax: (575) 464-4863
Navajo Nation
Navajo Nation Judicial Branch
Navajo Nation Supreme Court
Navajo Nation Judicial District Courts
P.O. Box 520
Window Rock, AZ 86515
Phone: (928) 871-6763
Fax: (928) 871-7016
Ohkay Owingeh Pueblo (formerly Pueblo of San Juan)
Ohkay Owingeh Tribal Court
239 Popay
P.O. Box 1128
Ohkay Owingeh, NM 87566
Phone: (505) 852-4475
Fax: (505) 852-4350
Pueblo of Acoma
Pueblo of Acoma Tribal Court
P.O. Box 347
Acoma, NM 87034
Phone: (575) 854-2668
Fax: (575) 854-2660
Pueblo de Cochiti
Pueblo of Cochiti Tribal Court
P.O. Box 70
Cochiti Pueblo, NM 87072
Phone: (505) 465-3106
Fax: (505) 465-3168
Pueblo of Isleta
Pueblo of Isleta Tribal Court
3950 Highway 47 SE
Albuquerque, NM 87105
P.O. Box 729
Isleta, NM 87022
Phone: (505) 869-9699
Fax: (505) 869-9747
Pueblo of Jemez
Pueblo of Jemez Tribal Court
P.O. Box 100
Pueblo of Jemez, NM 87024
Phone: (505) 834-7369
Fax: (505) 834-9317
Pueblo of Laguna
Laguna Pueblo Court
P.O. Box 194
Old Laguna, NM 87026
Phone: (505) 552-1900
Fax: (505) 552-7186
Pueblo of Nambé
Nambé Tribal Court
16-A, NP 102 East
Nambé Pueblo, NM 87506
Mailing Address: 15-A, NP 102 West
Santa Fe, NM 87506
Phone: (505) 455-5580 or5581
Fax: (505) 455-9136
Pueblo of Picuris
Pueblo of Picuris Tribal Court
P.O. Box 127
Penasco, NM 87553
Phone: (505) 587-7597
Fax: (505) 587-0273
Pueblo of Pojoaque
Pueblo of Pojoaque Tribal Court
58 Cities of Gold Road, Suite 5
Santa Fe, NM 87506
Phone: (505) 455-2271
Fax: (505) 455-0102
Pueblo of San Felipe
Pueblo of San Felipe Tribal Court
127 Hagan Road
Bernalillo, NM 87004
P.O. Box 4339
San Felipe, NM 87001
Phone: (505) 867-5385
Fax: (505) 867-2704
Pueblo of San Ildefonso
Pueblo of San Ildefonso Tribal Court
Route 5, Box 315-A
Santa Fe, NM 87506
Phone: (505) 455-7500
Fax: (505) 455-7942
Pueblo of Sandia
Pueblo of Sandia Tribal Court
481 Sandia Loop Road
Bernalillo, NM 87004
Phone: (505) 771-5009
Fax: (505) 771-5038
Pueblo of Santa Ana
Pueblo of Santa Ana Tribal Court
2 Dove Rd.
Santa Ana Pueblo, NM 87004
Phone: (505) 771-6735
Fax: (505) 771-6767
Pueblo of Santa Clara
Pueblo of Santa Clara Tribal Court
P.O. Box 580
Espanola, NM 87532
Phone: (505) 753-0411
Fax: (505) 753-0466
Pueblo of Taos
Pueblo of Taos Tribal Court
P.O. Box 1846
Taos, NM 87571
Phone: (505) 751-0488
Fax: (505) 751-3552
Pueblo of Tesuque
Pueblo of Tesuque Tribal Court
Route 42, Box 360-T
Santa Fe, NM 87506
Phone: (505) 989-4969
Fax: (505) 989-5037
Pueblo of Zia
Pueblo of Zia Tribal Court
135 Capital Square Drive
Zia Pueblo, Nm 87053
Phone: (505) 867-3304
Fax: (505) 867-3308
Pueblo of Zuni
Pueblo of Zuni Tribal Court
P.O. Box 339
Zuni, NM 87327
Phone: (505) 782-7045
Fax: (505) 782-7219
New York
Oneida Indian Nation
Oneida Nation Court
1256 Union Street
Oneida, NY 13421
Phone: (315) 829-8465
Fax: (315) 829-8472
Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe
Saint Regis Mohawk Tribal Court
545 State Route 37
Akwesasne, NY 13655
Phone: (518) 358-6300
Seneca Nation of New York
Seneca Nation of New York – Allegany Reservation Court of Appeals
Seneca Nation of New York – Allegany Reservation Peacemaker’s Court
Seneca Nation of New York – Allegany Reservation Surrogate Court
P.O. Box 231
Salamanca, NY 14779
Phone: (716) 945-0145
Fax: (716) 945-0209
Seneca Nation of New York – Cattaraugus Reservation Court of Appeals
Seneca Nation of New York – Cattaraugus Reservation Peacemaker’s Court
Seneca Nation of New York – Cattaraugus Reservation Surrogate Court
2 Thomas Indian School Drive
1508 Route 438
Irving, NY 14081
Phone: (716) 532-4900
Fax: (716) 532-8317
North Carolina
Eastern Band of Cherokee
Eastern Band of Cherokee Tribal Court
P.O. Box 1629
Cherokee, NC 28719
Phone: (828) 497-1064
Fax: (828) 497-9564
North Dakota
Sisseton Wahpeton Oyate of the Lake Traverse Reservation
Sisseton-Wahpeton Oyate Tribal Court
P.O. Box 568
Agency Village, ND 57262
Phone: (605) 698-7629
Fax: (605) 698-4135
Spirit Lake Tribe
Spirit Lake Tribal Court
703 3rd Ave.
P.O. Box 30
Fort Trotten, ND 58335
Phone: (701) 766-4244, (701) 766-4750
Fax: (701) 766-4776
Standing Rock Sioux Tribe
Standing Rock Sioux Tribal Court
609 Main Street
Fort Yates, ND 58538
Phone: (701) 854-3807
Fax: (701) 854-3738
Three Affiliated Tribes: Mandan, Hidatsa & Arikara Nation
Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Tribal Court
P.O. Box 969
New Town, ND 58763
Phone: (701) 627-4803
Fax: (701) 627-4602
Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians
Turtle Mountain Chippewa Tribal Court
P.O. Box 900
Belcourt, ND 58316
Phone: (701) 477-6121
Fax: (701) 477-6883
Absentee-Shawnee Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma
Absentee-Shawnee Tribal Court
2025 S. Gordon Copper Drive
Shawnee, OK 74802
Phone: (405) 275-4030, ext. 6241
Fax: (405) 273-7193
Alabama-Quassarte Tribal Town
Alabama-Quassarte Tribal Court
323 West Broadway, Ste. 300
Muskogee, OK 74401
Phone: (918) 683-2388
Fax: (918) 683-3818
Apache Tribe of Oklahoma
Apache Tribal Court - CFR Court
Anadarko Agency (Southern Plains Region)
Anadarko CFR Court
Highway 281 and Parker McKenzie Drive
P.O. Box 368
Anadarko, OK 73005
Phone: (405) 247-8511
Fax: (405) 247-7240
Caddo Nation of Oklahoma
Caddo Nation - Anadarko CFR Court
Anadarko Agency (Southern Plains Region)
Anadarko CFR Court
Highway 281 and Parker McKenzie Drive
P.O. Box 368
Anadarko, OK 73005
Phone: (405) 247-8511
Fax: (405) 247-7240
Cherokee Nation
Cherokee Nation Judicial Branch
101 S. Muskogee Ave.
P.O. Box 1097
Tahlequah, OK 74465
(918) 458-9440
Fax: (918) 458-9572
Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribes
Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribes Judicial Branch
P.O. Box 102
Concho, OK 73022
Phone: (405) 422-7450
Fax: (405) 262-8259
Chickasaw Nation
Chickasaw Nation Judicial Branch
821 N. Mississippi
Ada, OK 74820
Phone: (580) 235-0279
Fax: (580) 421-6404
Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma
Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma Tribal Court
P.O. Box 702
Talihina, OK 74571
Phone: (918) 567-3582
Fax: (918) 567-3187
Citizen Potawatomi Nation
Citizen Potawatomi Nation Judicial Branch
1601 S. Gordon Cooper Dr.
Shawnee, OK 74801
Phone: (405) 878-4844
Fax: (405) 878-4659
Comanche Nation of Oklahoma
Comanche Nation Judiciary
P.O. Box 908
Lawton, OK 73502
Comanche Nation Children’s Court
P.O. Box 646
1921 East Gore Blvd.
Lawton, OK 73502
Phone: (580) 357-4744
Fax: (580) 492-9423
Anadarko Agency (Southern Plains Region)
Anadarko CFR Court
Highway 281 and Parker McKenzie Drive
P.O. Box 368
Anadarko, OK 73005
Phone: (405) 247-8511
Fax: (405) 247-7240
Delaware Tribe of Indians
Delaware Tribal Court
601 High Street
Caney, KS 67333
Phone: (918) 337-6590
Fax: (918) 337-6591
Anadarko Agency (Southern Plains Region)
Anadarko CFR Court
Highway 281 and Parker McKenzie Drive
P.O. Box 368
Anadarko, OK 73005
Phone: (405) 247-8511
Fax: (405) 247-7240
Eastern Shawnee Tribe of Oklahoma
Eastern Shawnee Tribe of Oklahoma Court of Indian Offenses
Miami Agency (Eastern Oklahoma Region)
34 “A” Street, NE (2nd Fl.)
P.O. Box 391
Miami, OK 74354
Phone: (918) 542-3396
Fax: (918) 542-7202
Fort Sill Apache
Fort Sill Apache CFR Court
Anadarko Agency (Southern Plains Region)
Anadarko CFR Court
Highway 281 and Parker McKenzie Drive
P.O. Box 368
Anadarko, OK 73005
Phone: (405) 247-8511
Fax: (405) 247-7240
Iowa Tribe of Oklahoma
Iowa Tribe of Oklahoma Tribal Court
335588 E 750 Rd
Tribal Complex
Perkins, OK 74059
Phone: (405) 547-2402, ext. 129/228
Fax: (405) 547-7215
Kaw Nation
Kaw Nation Judicial Branch
P.O. Box 50
Kaw City, OK 74641
Phone: (580) 269-2552
Fax: (580) 269-2301
Kickapoo Tribe of Oklahoma
Kickapoo Tribe of Oklahoma
105365 S. Hwy. 102, Bldg. C
P.O. Box 95
McLoud, OK 74851
Phone: (405) 964-4136
Fax: (405) 964-2744
Kiowa Indian Tribe of Oklahoma
Anadarko Agency (Southern Plains Region)
Anadarko CFR Court
Highway 281 and Parker McKenzie Drive
P.O. Box 368
Anadarko, OK 73005
Phone: (405) 247-8511
Fax: (405) 247-7240
Miami Tribe of Oklahoma
Miami Tribe of Oklahoma Tribal Court
3430 P St., NW
Miami, OK 74355
Phone: (918) 542-1445
Fax: (918) 542-2117
Modoc Tribe of Oklahoma
Modoc Tribal Court of Indian Offenses
Miami Agency (Eastern Oklahoma Region)
34 “A” Street, NE (2nd Fl.)
P.O. Box 391
Miami, OK 74354
Phone: (918) 542-3396
Fax: (918) 542-7202
Muscogee (Creek) Nation
Muscogee Creek District Court
P.O. Box 652
Okmulgee, OK 74447
Phone: (918) 758-1400
Fax: (918) 758-1413
Muscogee Creek Supreme Court
P.O. Box 546
Hwy 75 & Loop 56
Okmulgee, OK 74447
Phone: (918) 758-1439
Fax: (918) 758-1440
Osage Nation
Osage Nation Judicial Branch
1333 Grandview
Pawhuska, OK 74056
Phone: (918) 287-5400
Fax: (918) 287-5574
Otoe Missouria Tribe
Otoe-Missouria Tribal Court (CFR)
22915 Otoe Cemetery Rd.
Red Rock, OK 74651
Phone: (405) 247-8511
Fax: (405) 247-7240
Anadarko Agency (Southern Plains Region)
Anadarko CFR Court
Highway 281 and Parker McKenzie Drive
P.O. Box 368
Anadarko, OK 73005
Phone: (405) 247-8511
Fax: (405) 247-7240
Ottawa Tribe of Oklahoma
Ottawa Tribe of Oklahoma CFR Court
Miami Agency (Eastern Oklahoma Region)
34 “A” Street, NE (2nd Fl.)
P.O. Box 391
Miami, OK 74354
Phone: (918) 542-3396
Fax: (918) 542-7202
Pawnee Nation of Oklahoma
Pawnee Nation Court
700 Agency Road, Building #33
P.O. Box 28
Pawnee, OK 74058
Phone: (918) 762-3011
Fax: (918) 762-3230
Peoria Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma
Peoria CFR Court
Miami Agency (Eastern Oklahoma Region)
34 “A” Street, NE (2nd Fl.)
P.O. Box 391
Miami, OK 74354
Phone: (918) 542-3396
Fax: (918) 542-7202
Ponca Tribe of Oklahoma
Ponca Tribe of Oklahoma Tribal Court
206 Starting Point Drive
Ponca City, OK 74601
Phone: (580) 762-0381
Fax: (580) 765-8050
Quapaw Tribe of Oklahoma
Quapaw Tribal Court
5681 S. 630 Rd.
Quapaw, OK 74363
Phone: (918) 542-1853
Fax: (918) 542-4694
Sac & Fox Nation of Oklahoma
Sac & Fox Nation of Oklahoma Judicial System
356159 East 926 Road
Stroud, OK 74079
Phone: (918) 968-2031
Fax: (918) 968-3781
Seminole Nation of Oklahoma
Seminole Nation Tribal Court
121578 NS 3540
P.O. Box 2307
Seminole, OK 74818
Phone: (405) 303-2251
Fax: (405) 234-5296
Seneca-Cayuga Tribe of Oklahoma
Seneca-Cayuga Tribe of Oklahoma CFR Court
Miami Agency (Eastern Oklahoma Region)
34 “A” Street, NE (2nd Fl.)
P.O. Box 391
Miami, OK 74354
Phone: (918) 542-3396
Fax: (918) 542-7202
Shawnee Tribe
Shawnee CFR Court
Miami Agency (Eastern Oklahoma Region)
34 “A” Street, NE (2nd Fl.)
P.O. Box 391
Miami, OK 74354
Phone: (918) 542-3396
Fax: (918) 542-7202
Tonkawa Tribe
Tonkawa Tribal Court
1 Rush Buffalo Road
Tonkawa, OK 74653
Phone: (580) 628-3275
Fax: (580) 628-3299
United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee Indians in Oklahoma
United Keetoowah Band Tribal Court System
18263 W. Keetoowah Circle
Tahlequah, OK 74464
Phone: (918) 456-8698
Wichita and Affiliated Tribes
Wichita Tribal Court
Anadarko Agency (Southern Plains Region)
Anadarko CFR Court
Highway 281 and Parker McKenzie Drive
P.O. Box 368
Anadarko, OK 73005
Phone: (405) 247-8511
Fax: (405) 247-7240
Wyandotte Nation
Wyandotte Nation Tribal Court
Phone: (918) 678-6342
Miami Agency (Eastern Oklahoma Region)
34 “A” Street, NE (2nd Fl.)
P.O. Box 391
Miami, OK 74354
Phone: (918) 542-3396
Fax: (918) 542-7202
Burns Paiute Tribe
Burns Paiute Tribal Court
100 Pasigo St.
Burns, OR 97720
Phone: (541) 573-8072
Fax: (541) 573-3854
Confederated Tribes of Coos, Lower Umpqua, and Siuslaw Indians
Confederated Tribes of Coos, Lower Umqua, Siuslaw Indians Tribal Court
1245 Fulton Avenue
Coos Bay, OR 97420
Phone: (541) 888-1306
Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde
Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde Tribal Court
9615 Grand Ronde Rd.
Grand Ronde, OR 97347
Phone: (503) 879-2303
Fax: (503) 879-2269
Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians
Confederated Tribes of Siletz Tribal Court
P.O. Box 549
Siletz, OR 97380
Phone: (541) 444-8228
Fax: (541) 444-8270
Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation
Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation Tribal Court
46411 Timine Way
Pendleton, OR 97801
Phone: (541) 276-2046
Coquille Indian Tribe
Coquille Indian Tribal Court
3050 Tremont Blvd.
North Bend, OR 97459
Phone: (541) 756-0904, ext. 10220, or (800) 622-5869
Fax: (541) 751-1178
Cow Creek Band of Umpqua Tribe of Indians
Cow Creek Tribal Court
2371 NE Stephens St.
Roseburg, OR 97470
Phone: (541) 672-9405
Fax: (541) 673-0432
Klamath Tribes
Klamath Tribes Judiciary
116 East Chocktoot Street
P.O. Box 1260
Chiloquin, OR 97624
Phone: (541) 783-3020
Fax: (541) 783-7522
The Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
Warm Springs Tribal Court
2126 Warm Springs Street
P.O. Box 850
Warm Springs, OR 97761
Phone: (541) 553-3278
Fax: (541) 553-3281
South Dakota
Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe
Cheyenne River Sioux Tribal Court
P.O. Box 590
Eagle Butte, SD 57625
Phone: (605) 964-2996
Fax: (605) 964-2998
Crow Creek Sioux Tribe
Crow Creek Sioux Tribal Court
P.O. Box 247
Ft. Thompson, SD 57339
Phone: (605) 245-2325
Fax: (605) 245-2401
Flandreau Santee Sioux Tribe
Flandreau Santee Sioux Tribal Court
P.O. Box 283
104 W. Ross Ave
Flandreau, SD 57028
Phone: (605) 997-3593
Fax: (605) 997-5145
Lower Brule Sioux Tribe – Kul Wicasa Oyate
Lower Brule Sioux Tribal Court
P.O. Box 122
Lower Brule, SD 57548
Phone: (605) 473-5528
Fax: (605) 473-0619
Oglala Sioux Tribe
Oglala Sioux Judiciary
P.O. Box 280
Pine Ridge, SD 57770
Phone: (605) 867-5151
Fax: (605) 867-1549
Rosebud Sioux Tribe of the Sicangu Oyate
Rosebud Sioux Tribal Court
P.O. Box 129
Rosebud, SD 57570
Phone: (650) 747-2278
Fax: (605) 747-2832
Yankton Sioux Tribe
Yankton Sioux Tribal Court
P.O. Box 980
Wagner, SD 57380
Phone: (605) 384-5578
Fax: (605) 384-5892
Alabama-Coushatta Tribe of Texas
Alabama-Coushatta Tribe of Texas Tribal Judicial System
571 State Park Road, 56
Livingston, TX 77351
Phone: (936) 563-1288
Fax: (936) 563-1285
Kickapoo Traditional Tribe of Texas
Kickapoo Traditional Tribe of Texas Tribal Court
162 Chick Kazen
Eagle Pass, TX 78852
Phone: (830) 421-5400
Fax: (830) 758-1305
Ysleta del Sur Pueblo
Ysleta Del Sur Pueblo Tribal Court
9241 Socorro Road
El Paso, TX 79907
Phone: (915) 860-7449
Fax: (915) 860-2964
Confederated Tribes of the Goshute Reservation
Confederated Tribes of the Goshute Reservation Tribal Court
P.O. Box 6104
Ibapah, UT 84034
Phone: (435) 234-1138
Fax: (435) 234-1162
Navajo Nation
Navajo Nation Judicial Branch
Navajo Nation Supreme Court
Navajo Nation Judicial District Courts
P.O. Box 520
Window Rock, AZ 86515
Phone: (928) 871-6763
Fax: (928) 871-7016
Skull Valley Band of Goshute Indians of Utah
Goshute CFR Court
1198 N. Main Street
Tooele, UT 84074
Phone: (435) 882-4532
Fax: (435) 882-4889
Ute Indian Tribe Uintah & Ouray Reservation
Ute Tribal Court
P.O. Box 190
Fort Duchesne, UT 84026
Phone: (435) 722-3633
Fax: (435) 722-3637
Chehalis Tribe
Chehalis Tribal Court
30 Niederman Road
P.O. Box 536
Oakville, WA 98568
Phone: (360) 709-1615
Fax: (360) 273-7242
Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation
Colville Tribal Court
38 School Loop Road
Nespelem, WA 99155-0150
Phone: (800) 440-1457
Fax: (509) 634-2479
Hoh Tribe
Hoh Tribal Court
2261 Lower Hoh Rd.
P.O. Box 2156
Forks, WA 98331
Phone: (360) 374-6137
Fax: (360) 374-5426
Jamestown S’Klallam Tribe
Jamestown S’Klallam Tribal Court
1033 Old Blyn Highway
Sequim, WA 89382
Phone: (360) 681-4624
Fax: (360) 681-4611
Kalispel Tribe of Indians
Kalispel Tribal Court
P.O. Box 96
Usk, WA 99180
Phone: (509) 445-1664
Fax: (509) 445-4039
Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe
Lower Elwha Klallam Tribal Court
4821 Lower Elwha Road
Port Angeles, WA 98363
Phone: (360) 452-6759, ext. 311
Fax: (360) 452-9566
Lummi Nation
Lummi Tribal Court
2665 Kwina Road
Bellingham, WA 98226
Phone: (360) 312-2239
Fax: (360) 380-6994
Makah Nation
Makah Tribal Court
P.O. Box 117
Neah Bay, WA 98357
Phone: (360) 645-3302
Fax: (360) 645-2760
Muckleshoot Indian Tribe
Muckleshoot Tribal Court
39015 172nd Ave. SE
Auburn, WA 98092
Phone: (253) 876-3203
Fax: (253) 876-2846
Nisqually Indian Tribe
Nisqually Tribal Court
4820 She-Nah-Num Dr. SE
Olympia, WA 98513
Phone: (360) 456-5221
Fax: (360) 456-5280
Nooksack Indian Tribe
Nooksack Tribal Court
4971 Demin Road
P.O. Box 157
Deming, WA 98244
Phone: (360) 306-5125
Port Gamble S’Klallam Tribe
Port Gamble S’Klallam Court Services
31912 Little Boston Road NE
Kingston, WA 98346
Phone: (360) 297-6297
Fax: (360) 297-6324
Puyallup Tribe of Indians
Puyallup Tribal Court
1638 E. 29th St.
Tacoma, WA 98404
Phone: (253) 680-5585
Fax: (253) 680-5599
Quileute Nation
Quileute Tribal Court
21 Quileute Ctr.
P.O. Box 69
La Push, WA 98350
Phone: (360) 374-4305
Fax: (360) 374-5275
Quinault Indian Nation
Quinault Tribal Court
PO Box 99
Taholah, WA 98587
Phone: (360) 276-8215
Fax: (360) 276-4606
Sauk-Suiattle Indian Tribe
Sauk-Suiattle Tribal Court
5318 Chief Brown Lane
Darrington, WA 98241
Phone: (360) 436-0131, ext. 214
Shoalwater Bay Tribe
Shoalwater Bay Tribal Court
P.O. Box 130
Tokeland, WA 98590
Phone: (360) 267-8172
Fax: (360) 267-8173
Skokomish Indian Tribe
Skokomish Tribal Court
80 North Tribal Center Rd.
861 North Reservation Road
Skokomish Nation, WA 98584
Phone: (360) 426-4740
Fax: (360) 877-6672
Snoqualmie Tribe
Snoqualmie Tribal Court
9575 Ethan Wade Way SE
P.O. Box 969
Snoqualmie, WA 98065
Phone: (425) 888-6551
Fax: (425) 888-6727
Spokane Tribe of Indians
Spokane Tribal Court
P.O. Box 225
Wellpinit, WA 99040
Phone: (509) 258-7717
Fax: (509) 258-9223
Squaxin Island Tribe
Squaxin Island Tribal Court
10 SE Squaxin Lane
Shelton, WA 98584
Phone: (360) 432-3828
Fax: (360) 462-1181
Stillaguamish Tribe of Indians
Stillaguamish Tribal Court
P.O. Box 3067
25525 Dahl Rd.
Arlington, WA 98223
Phone: (360) 474-8562
Fax: (360) 474-9458
Suquamish Tribe
Suquamish Tribal Court
18490 Suquamish Way, Ste. 105
P.O. Box 1209
Suquamish, WA 98392
Phone: (360) 394-8521
Fax: (360) 598-5333
Swinomish Indian Tribal Community
Swinomish Tribal Court
17337 Reservation Rd.
La Conner, WA 98257
Phone: (360) 466-7217
Fax: (360) 466-1506
Tulalip Tribes
Tulalip Tribes Tribal Court
6103 31st Ave. NE
Tulalip, WA 98271
Phone: (360) 716-4773
Fax: (360) 716-0657
Upper Skagit Indian Tribe
Upper Skagit Tribal Court
25944 Community Plaza Way
Sedro Woolley, WA 98284
Phone: (360) 854-7080
Fax: (360) 854-7085
Confederated Tribes and Bands of Yakama Nation
Yakama Nation Tribal Court
11 Wishpoosh Rd
P.O. Box 151
Toppenish, WA 98948-0151
Phone: (509) 865-5121, ext. 4676
Fax: (509) 865-8890
Bad River Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Tribe
Bad River Tribal Court
P.O. Box 39
Odanah, WI 54861
Phone: (715) 682-7107, ext. 1
Fax: (715) 685-2600
Forest County Potawatomi
Forest County Potawatomi Tribal Court
5416 Everybody’s Road
P.O. Box 340
Crandon, WI 54520
Phone: (715) 478-7255
Fax: (715) 478-5805
Ho-Chunk Nation
Ho-Chunk Nation Judiciary
W9598 Hwy 54
P.O. Box 70
Black River Falls, WI 54615
Phone: (715) 284-2722
Fax: (715) 284-3136
Lac Courte Oreilles Band of Ojibwe
Lac Courte Oreilles Tribal Court
13394 W. Trepania Road
Hayward, WI 54843
Phone: (715) 634-8934
Fax: (715) 634-0160
Lac du Flambeau Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians
Lac du Flambeau Tribal Courts
623 Peace Pipe Road
P.O. Box 217
Lac du Flambeau, WI 54538
Phone: (715) 588-4200
Fax: (715) 588-9240
Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin
Menominee Indian Tribal Court
Wilmer M Peters Judicial Center
P.O. Box 429
Keshena, WI 54135
Phone: (715) 799-3348
Fax: (715) 799-4061
Oneida Nation of Wisconsin
Oneida Nation of Wisconsin Judiciary
2630 West Mason Street
Green Bay, WI 54303
P.O. Box 19
Oneida, WI 54155
Phone: (920) 496-7200
Fax: (920) 496-7229
Red Cliff Band of Lake Superior Chippewa
Red Cliff Tribal Court
88358 Pike Road, Highway 13
Bayfield, WI 54814
Phone: (715) 779-3725
Fax: (715) 779-3724
Sokaogon Chippewa (Mole Lake) Community
Sokaogon Tribal Court
3051 Sandlake Road
Crandon, WI 54520
Phone: (715) 478-7608
Fax: (715) 478-7631
St. Croix Chippewa Indians of Wisconsin
St. Croix Chippewa Tribal Court
24663 Angeline Avenue
Webster, WI 54893
Phone: (715) 349-2195
Fax: (715) 349-5784
Stockbridge-Munsee Community Band of Mohican Indians
Stockbridge-Munsee Tribal Court
N8476 MoHeConNuck Road
P.O. Box 70
Bowler, WI 54416
Phone: (715) 793-4111
Fax: (715) 793-4880
Shoshone Indians and Northern Arapaho Tribe
Shoshone & Arapaho Tribal Court
P.O. Box 608
Fort Washakie, WY 82514
Phone: (307) 332-6702
Fax: (307) 332-7587
CFR Courts – Bureau of Indian Affairs
Anadarko Agency (Southern Plains Region)
Anadarko CFR Court
Highway 281 and Parker McKenzie Drive
P.O. Box 368
Anadarko, OK 73005
Phone: (405) 247-8511
Fax: (405) 247-7240
Goshute CFR Court (Western Region)
1198 N. Main Street
Tooele, UT 84074
Phone: (435) 882-4532
Fax: (435) 882-4889
Miami Agency (Eastern Oklahoma Region)
Miami Agency CFR Court
34 “A” Street, NE (2nd Fl.)
P.O. Box 391
Miami, OK 74354
Phone: (918) 542-3396
Fax: (918) 542-7202
Sante Fe Indian School / Albuquerque
CFR Court
Southern Pueblos Agency
1001 Indian School Road, NW
Albuquerque, NM 87104
Phone: (505) 563-3763
Fax: (505) 563-3068
Te-Moak CFR Court (Western Region)
Eastern Nevada Agency
1523 Shoshone Circle
Elko, NV 89801
Phone: (775) 738-7042
Fax: (775) 738-6047
Ute Mountain Ute Agency (Southwest Region)
Ute Mountain Ute Agency CFR Court
Phillip Coyote, Sr. Memorial Hall
440 Sunset Blvd.
P.O. Box KK
Towaoc, Colorado 81334
Phone: (970) 565-8473
Fax: (970) 565-8906
Wimmemuca – Ft. McDermitt CFR Court (Western Region)
P.O. Box 397
McDermitt, NV 89421
Phone: (775) 532-8402
Fax: (775) 532-8202